An Early Christmas Present - Your Salon Christmas Playlist
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An Early Christmas Present – Your Salon Christmas Playlist


Anyone who knows me will tell you that I love music, but it is a lesser known fact that I am also a massive fan of Christmas . . . well who isn’t?

So I like nothing more than a good Christmas music playlist to start playing on December 1st. The key word in that sentence  is good!

There are some songs that are just overplayed in supermarkets, shopping malls and even on the radio at Christmas and I would like to redress that with a gift to you all of a slightly alternative salon Christmas playlist this year.

There are some old favourites on there . . . but I have omitted some of the more cheesy tunes and there is definitely no Cliff Richard anywhere in site. (Sorry Cliff fans!) There are also some songs on there that you may not have heard before . . . did you know The Killers had a Christmas song for example?

If you have been following along with the How to Make the Most of Christmas in Your Salon” series of articles you will remember back in Part 1 that I suggested you get your clients subconsciously in the Christmas mood by playing some tasteful Christmas tunes in your business. Well I thought I would give you a helping hand.

So check it out and let me know what you think . . .

 Click to go to Playlist on Spotify

Here is a preview of what you can expect on the playlist . . . you can even play songs right from this page if you are already logged in to Spotify.

You don’t need to be a salon to get the playlist . . . just click on the links and you can play it in your home, car or on the move.

Don’t have a Spotify account?

Don’t worry . . . you can open a free account, you get adverts in between about every third song – but still better than listening to commercial radio!

Click here to get a Spotify account and instructions how to get set up

Already got a Spotify account and want to listen to the playlist wherever you go?

Did you know you can also download a Spotify playlist to your iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Windows Phone or PC/Mac? Well you can . . . find out how to do this here.


Disclaimer: If you don’t already have one you will probably need a license to legally play recorded music in a public location – this includes a salon, spa or other beauty business. I have put a couple of links below to the main ones I could find, if you are at all unsure please search for “License to Play Music in <<YourCountry>>” in Google for more information.

UK Public Music License 

UK License to Play Music 

US Public Music License

While Spotify don’t specifically state that you can’t use their service to play music in your place of business, they do state that “Spotify Free and Premium accounts are for personal, non-commercial use only”. Check with your music licensing organisation if you are at all unsure.

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