Impact 365 - Salon Business Secrets
I wanted this year to have a public goal that all of YOU can both help me with and keep me accountable for. I wanted to ensure I make some sort of significant impact in 2019 so I have come up with a plan I am calling 'IMPACT 365'. Basically, I want to genuinely change the business of 365 Salon, Spa or Clinic owners in 2019. That's one a day through the podcast, facebook group, online courses, live events and one-to-one consultancy. If I can impact one person a day throughout the WHOLE year then I think that will be year well spent!
Adam Chatterley
Salon Business Secrets


Here are the testimonials of the salon, spa, and clinic owners I’ve helped! Click on the image to read how IĀ  was able to make an Impact on their businesses.

73 of 365


We’ll keep this updated with where we are on reaching the goal so you too can see how things are going!

Be part of the impact

In order for me to measure this, I need your help. If I had helped you in any significant way to make an improvement in your business this year, I’d like you to let me know by leavingĀ  a comment, review, or feedback.

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